Account Configuration
Before you start using Advancement Form, you need to make sure your account is properly configured. Only users with the "Administrator" role can configure account settings.
Payment Gateway Keys
To properly direct funds to your merchant account, you need to make sure you have setup your payment gateway keys. Click on the gear icon on the top menu and select Account from the drop down. You can edit any payment gateway keys by clicking the blue pencil edit icon or add a new one. You can set up as many payment gateway keys as you need. Typically, you will want to create a sandbox and live payment gateway key. For example, maybe you want one payment gateway key to be called "Sandbox Gifts" and another to be called "Live Gifts".
When creating or updating a payment gateway key, the field names should match the credentials supplied by the Payment Gateway service provider. Enter these credentials as well as choose whether this key is for the Sandbox or Test environment, whether you want this to be considered the Default key for the Campaign, Event, or Universal Forms, and make sure the key is listed as being active. Once your key is setup, you can assign a Campaign, Event, or Universal Form to use that payment gateway key. If you set it as a default, all new forms for that area will be set to this key.
Default Email Confirmation From Address
On the Account screen, you can also change the default "From" email address used for gifts and event registrations. Click the edit button to change your default from addresses.