Advancement Form helps you
Move Your Prospects Forward with best-in-class online giving and event management solutions.
Hi! I am the founder of Advancement Form, Creston Jamison.
After working in Advancement Services for over 12 years at two different universities, I decided to form my own company to increase the scope of assistance I could provide to the advancement community.
We got our start off doing exclusively online giving and relying on our greater than 10 years of experience developing similar solutions. Based upon customer demand, we also added a highly sophisticated event management solution that makes registering for both small events and large multi-event reunions & homecomings a breeze.
Our special emphasis has always been our support. Given my experience in Advancement Services, we believe we exist to empower you and make both you and your program a success. To that end, we also strive to be extremely attentive to our customers and craft our solutions to your needs.
Even though we are a small team, we have many decades of experience delivering information technology solutions to customers. Rest assured our service will take care of your constituents and your institution.
We will continue to advance our solution to make it the best available in the industry. We would love the opportunity to serve you and your institution.
Creston Jamison
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